Multifacets: Swarovski: Style Yourself with Jewelry

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Jewelry and other accessories transform a woman’s style, imparting personality and sophistication to any outfit. The problem is knowing how to achieve the desired effect. Now Swarovski, the world leader in cut crystal, has created a fabulous guide on how to wear jewelry—daytime, nighttime, anytime!

Swarovski creative director Nathalie Colin offers pitch-perfect advice on how to wear jewelry no matter where you are and where you plan to go next. Whether for work, dinner dates, cocktail parties, nightclubs, vacations, or even your own wedding, here are simple strategies for making the most of the jewelry you already own as well as smart ways to grow your accessories wardrobe. Striking images of Swarovski creations and photographs of international fashion icons show how jewelry offers endless possibilities for personal expression. This stunning book will inspire women to sparkle every day of the year.

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